Ask IBT – Keyboard Shortcuts

Ask IBT – Keyboard Shortcuts

Q: Does NetSuite have any keyboard shortcuts?

Boy, I hate using the mouse while entering data and completing forms. NetSuite has several useful keyboard shortcuts.

  • You can press Alt+G to move the cursor directly to the Global Search field.
  • Ctrl+F5 refreshes the current page. This is particularly useful on the dashboards. Type Ctrl+F5 and all the charts, KPIs and reminders will refresh with the latest information

Here are some more cool shortcuts:
  • Press Shift+T to enter tomorrow’s date.
  • Press to enter the end of the current period (if you use accounting periods).
  • Press (lower case L) to enter the end of the previous period (if you use accounting periods).
  • Press to enter today’s date.
  • Press to enter yesterday’s date.
  • Press to enter the last day of the month.
  • Press the Plus Sign (+) to increase one day.
  • Press the Minus Sign () to decrease one day.

Use these shortcuts to complete and edit data on forms and records:

  • Press and hold Alt and type a letter to move to a subtab.
  • In transaction headers, press Enter to save the transaction.
  • On a transaction line, press Enter to save the line and go to the next line.
  • Press Tab to move the cursor between fields and buttons.
  • Use the Spacebar to check or clear a check box.
  • In Amount fields, enter numbers to calculate by addition or subtraction.
    • For example, enter 10 + 15 to calculate a total amount.
  • Press and hold Ctrl and click with your mouse to select multiple choices in a list.

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