Global Agricultural Chemical Manufacturer

Agricultural Chemical Manufacturer

Agricultural Chemical Manufacturer

A leading Australian agricultural chemical manufacturer, with global processing operations, needed to modernise its IT environment by decommissioning some legacy systems located on three continents. Additionally, they wanted to consolidate data into a new Oracle EBS system and then push this data to the AWS cloud, capturing changes along the way, for real time analytics and reporting.

The Needs / Challenges

  • The solution had to support both on-premise and remote servers and then deliver the data to multiple targets in the cloud
  • Real time change data capture
  • Replicate DDL changes
  • Provide excellent performance for both latency and throughput
  • Easily configurable and scalable

The Solution  

  • Attunity Replicate – Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Flat Files to Amazon S3, Oracle & SQL Server targets

The Results

After testing both Oracle Golden Gate and Attunity Replicate, the organisation chose Attunity for its ease of use, timely support and price