New Attunity E-Book: ‘Streaming Change Data Capture – A Foundation For Modern Data Architectures’

New Attunity E-Book: ‘Streaming Change Data Capture – A Foundation For Modern Data Architectures’

Attunity has just released its new eBook – ‘Streaming Change Data Capture – A Foundation For Modern Data Architectures’.

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Change data capture (CDC) technology can modernize your data and analytics environment with scalable, efficient and real-time data replication that does not impact production systems.

To realize these benefits, enterprises need to understand how this critical technology works, why it’s needed, and what their Fortune 500 peers have learned from their CDC implementations. 

This book serves as a practical guide for enterprise architects, data managers and CIOs as they enable modern data lake, streaming and cloud architectures with CDC.

Read this book to understand:

  • The rise of data lake, streaming and cloud platforms
  • How CDC works and enables these architectures
  • Case studies of leading-edge enterprises
  • Planning and implementation approaches

A snippet from the authors’ prologue:

From an IT perspective, data flows might best be viewed as the circulatory system of the modern enterprise. We believe the beating heart is change data capture (CDC) software, which identifies, copies, and sends live data to its various users.

Although many enterprises are modernizing their businesses by adopting CDC, there remains a dearth of information about how this critical technology works, why modern data integration needs it, and how leading enterprises are using it.

This book seeks to close that gap. It serves as a practical guide for enterprise architects, data managers, and CIOs as they build modern data architectures. Generally, this book focuses on structured data, which, loosely speaking, refers to data that is highly organized; for example, using the rows and columns of relational databases for easy querying, searching, and retrieval. This includes data from the Internet of Things (IoT) and social media sources that is collected into structured repositories.

For more on CDC and modern data architectures:

Six Reasons Why Enterprises Need a Modern Data Integration Architecture.

Attunity’s Dan Potter details the 6 steps that can help enterprise architects and data managers build a modern data architecture that successfully incorporates data integration, replication and migration into a comprehensive strategy:

  1. Move from Batch to Real-Time
  2. Take a Centralized Approach to Integration
  3. Remove the Latency from Hybrid Environments
  4. Publish Data Streams from Core Transactional systems
  5. Create AI and Analytics-Ready Data in Your Lake
  6. Automate Data Delivery and Creation of Data Warehouses and Marts

Real-Time ETL: Keeping Warehoused Data Fresh with Change Data Capture

Why Analytics Will Be At Least 4X More Important in 2018

If you have any questions or would like to discuss Attunity further, please call our Business Development Director, Mike Hollobon, on 0477 247 100 or email us.