

Landgate chooses Attunity

The Western Australia Land Information Authority, Landgate, is the guardian of property ownership in Western Australia and is the custodian of the State’s location information asset.

Landgate’s strategic objective, as part of an application and systems refresh, was to implement a Data Sourcing and Sharing solution as a service to replace its existing Dissemination Database that ran on a pure Oracle platform.

The Needs / Challenges

  • Support future emerging electronic property markets requiring new forms of delivery of land information
  • Growth through acquisition meant many disparate systems
  • Provide real-time data where possible
  • Be easy to maintain, scalable and secure
  • Provide data in “Fit for purpose” data model

The Solution  

  • Attunity Replicate was chosen for Landgate’s production environment, as well as servers for UAT, Test and Development – Oracle to SQL Server

The Results

  • Landgate has now successfully modernised its environment with the ability to add more technology easily in the future