HR Solutions for all Industries

Workstem is a one-stop attendance payroll HR management platform designed for multiple industries including retail, hospitality, food and beverage, and more in Australia. We simplify work processes by digitising various tasks such as onboarding, rostering, attendance, leave, expense claims, payroll, tax, and superannuation.

Experience the one-stop HRM system today!

One-stop Automatic Payroll Calculation System

The powerful AI payroll calculation engine ensures compliance with ATO regulations and EBA by collecting and calculating payroll, tax, superannuation, and more.

Automatically generate payslips, ABA files, Super files, and more, with direct reporting for STP Phase 2.


Say goodbye to traditional management! Workstem offers multiple modules along with payroll for administering various HR processes and streamlining the day-to-day operations.

  • Onboarding

  • Time Tracking

  • Leave

  • Expense Claims

  • Payroll Calculation

  • HR Analytics

  • Integration

  • Real-time Updates of Leave Balance

Cloud System Integration

All modules are integrated on one platform


Workstem’s API enables swift integration with third-party applications, providing businesses a centralised cloud platform for efficient HR management.

Workstem offers a comprehensive range of HR solutions, including rostering, attendance management, leave tracking, expense claims, payroll processing, tax compliance, superannuation, and Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting. By consolidating these functions into a single platform, we streamline HR processing and reduce errors, delays, and duplication of effort.