IBT Webinar: Attunity & Snowflake

IBT Webinar: Attunity & Snowflake

Access Data at the Speed of Change! Watch on-demand here.

IBT’s 2019 webinar series kicked off with Attunity and Snowflake delivering a live and interactive webinar on Wednesday March 20.

How much is poor data quality costing your business? Want to see how easy it can be to load your data into Snowflake, in sync with your transaction systems and be analytics ready?

Need to:

  • reduce the burden on in-house IT management
  • cut the time and cost of analytics initiatives
  • simultaneously enable real-time cloud analytics

Watch webinar 1 of our Attunity 2019 series. We’ll show you just how easy it can be to get your data warehouse set up, analytics ready and in sync with your transaction systems.

See 60 mins of demonstrations, customer experiences and Q&A from IBT Attunity and Snowflake experts. Experience how Attunity Replicate, the leading data integration and change data capture technology, and Snowflake, the only data warehouse built for the cloud, work seamlessly together.

You can post any questions you have and we’ll get back to you. To view our on-demand webinar, click here




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