Ask IBT – Default Price and Price Level used in the Sales Orders

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Whether you are a new customer or an existing one, it’s very important to know how NetSuite does the pricing hierarchy or NetSuite’s back end logic when it comes to deciding the price and price level on your Sales Orders.

As per NetSuite’s SuiteAnswers Id: 27011,

The Hierarchy being followed is:

  1. If Customer Name is already indicated, the Default Price will be based on the Price Level set on the Financial Tab > Item Pricing Sub tab of the Customer Record. If none,
  2. It will be based on the Price Level set on the Financial Tab > Group Pricing Sub tab of the Customer Record. If none,
  3. It will be based on the Price Level set on the Financial Tab of the Customer Record (Price Level Field). If none,
  4. It will follow the Price Level set in the Item Record Starting from Base Price down to the Last Price Level. If none,
  5. Custom Price Level defaulting to null.



Always keep the above logic in mind, while deciding and importing the pricing structure to NetSuite.


Hope the above helps.

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