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Q: Can I have my logo on NetSuite forms?
We have a couple of options when it comes to logos in NetSuite. Let’s have a look into them
- Set up the default Company Logo:Navigate to Setup-> Company -> Company Information
Company Logo (Forms) = Select the logo that will be used by default to all entry and transaction forms in NetSuite.
Company Logo (Pages) = Select logo that shows in NetSuite pages.
- Set up default Logo to specific forms: (i.e. if you do not want the logo that you set up to appear on all the forms and you have specific logos for specific forms)
Navigate to Customization -> Forms > Edit/Customize Entry Forms / Transaction Forms -> Logo.
Logo selected is used specific on the selected form. If no Logo is selected under custom form, Logo in Company Information is used by default.
- Set up default Logo to Locations:
If you need a specific Logo when printing/emailing transaction forms based on the Location set in the transaction record.
Navigate to Setup -> Company -> Edit Locations -> Logo.
So how is the hierarchy over here:
If no Logo is selected under Location, Logo selected under custom form is used.
If no Logo selected under custom form, Logo selected under Company Information is used by default.
- Now, for OneWorld accounts, where we have to deal with the Subsidiary segment, we have 2 options to notice.
Go to Setup -> Company -> Classifications -> Subsidiaries, click List, and then click the Edit link for a subsidiary.
- In the Subsidiary Logo (Forms) field, select the logo image to be used on all forms by this subsidiary.
- In the Subsidiary Logo (Pages) field, select the logo image to be displayed on all pages for this subsidiary.
So how is the hierarchy over here:
For OneWorld account, Logo selected under Subsidiary record is used when printing/emailing transaction form based on the Subsidiary selected in the transaction record.
If no Logo selected for Subsidiary, Logo selected under custom form is used.
If no Logo selected under custom form, Logo selected under Company Information is used.
Wow, a lot of options. Give this a go and see how it goes.
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